Oct 23, 2013

An Open Letter to the People of Bohol

To my beloved Bohol:

October 15, 2013 – A 7.2 magnitude killer earthquake waked up the small island province of Bohol and its nearby provinces. Although a week has passed since then, I am still in awe and in great sorrow about how destructive this earthquake was both to the people and to the astonishing cultural and natural wonders of Bohol. No words can express how sad I am, that prompted me to write you Bohol and your beloved Boholanos a letter.

I am writing this letter, for two main reasons:

First, we want you to know that even we are separated by a thousand miles, our string of hopes and undying faith as Filipinos will never be broken. We might not be physically with you during this physical and emotional turmoil that had happened, our hearts and soul grieved with you as well.

Second, I would like to rekindle my beautiful memories with you in such a way we can both relinquish the sweet details of the past to be able to inspire us to create another bunch of sweeter memories in the future.

It was Feb 20, 2011 when I first set foot on your beautiful island, 2 long years has passed since then but still my memory with you is so vivid. It seems that my good memories with you will not just stay in my mind but also in my heart.

I remember that day, I was seated beside a beautiful young Fil-German. She talked animatedly about how she spent her summer vacations in Bohol. Now, Im thinking maybe this is your way of showing me what to expect and its nothing but pure joy and happiness.

I was in the group of 11 full spirited individuals, that is my biggest group back then, and it seems that my big group is so small in comparison with regards of how big you heart to accommodate us.

We went everywhere Bohol has to offer…
From counting the thousand chocolate hills,,,,,,

To screaming our lungs out during Dolphin Watching,,,,,

Tasting the unique and excessive servings of Loboc River Cruise,,,,         

Marveling the colourful and vibrant coral reefs,,,,,

Lay with your back in the white sand beach of Panglao Island,,,

Enriching your faith with century old churches,,,

Look in your own reflection in the eyes of the vulnerable tarsier.,,

And the list is on and on and on…….and yet we are still sad… Why? Because as we leaves a certain spot, portion of our hearts were left behind. We could not satiate our thirst of the marvelous and majestic destinations our Almighty God has showered this island province of Bohol!.

As I laid back  and watched the beautiful sunset view of Panglao Island on our last day, I was contemplating why Bohol draws flock and flock of tourist every day. I even wondered how on earth they were able to build churches so grand back in the old days, when their resources and manpower is so limited.
 After a few hours, I realized the answer. It’s the Boholanos themselves. Their smiles are far more than the warmth of the midday sun. They are inborn religious, but brave and courageous to conquer all the hardships the life may bring. And most importantly, they are protective about their natural resources for all the next generations for them to see.

Now I think, those traits will make Boholanos surpass this ordeal with flying colors. They have stood past the test of time, and I think today will be part of the foundations that make Bohol a greater place in the future. Lets work hand in hand in rebuilding not just our numerous cultural heritage but also our society that will makes us a better human being.

Lastly, our faith in God will makes us stronger, and he will make us realize that there’s a bright day ahead of us.

God Bless and More Power!
In my heart, I love you Bohol!

Sincerely yours,
Gerald Magpantay
Pinoy Outdoor Planet

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